Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Finding the Slope of a Linear Function

Dear Parents and Students,

This week we have been learning about linear functions and how to determine the slope of a line. The TEKS state that the students should be able to "develop the concept of slope as rate of change and determine slopes from graphs, tables, and algebraic representations." Here are a few activities that you can go do to help further your knowledge and practice of this particular lesson. 

1. Visit the Cool Math website and read through Lesson 5. It tells you how to find the slope of a line by looking at a graph.

2. Visit the Khan Academy website and watch the video "Graphical Slope of a Line." Please take note of this website. It is very informative and helpful if you need assistance on future assignments.

3. Visit the Quia website and click "Play this game!" to play the "Find the slope" game. It will give you a graph and you have to determine the slope by using the methods shown to you in activities 1 and 2 above. If you would like to try out another game, visit the Quia website again to play "Slope Hangman." For this game you have to determine if the slope is positive, negative, zero, or undefined. Have fun!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Welcome to Making Math Fun!


Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to my Making Math Fun blog. I am glad you have decided to visit my page. 

In this edublog you will find lots of resources for the Algebra I course, including fun games and activities! All of this will be aligned with the TEKS and also with what we are learning in class. 

Thank you for visiting this page! Check back every week to see updated information and more fun and games!

- Mrs. Bains